I Am Lasagne is a game inspired by Bossa Studios I Am Bread. 
You play as a piece of Lasagne that's only dream is to be eaten. But alas the family of the house have another plan... takeout. Your goal is to reach the oven before the family have a chance to order. 
This project was designed to help increase my understanding on UE4 and better understand how I can achieve a desired look and feel through the use of lighting, which for this environment was a sense of nostalgia. 
The kitchen was designed and created in Maya and then textured in Substance Painter. The only external assets used were Quixel boxes, fruit and bowls.  
Downloadable at:
W,A,S,D to move, mouse to rotate camera, left and right clicks to grapple/stick.
Alt + F4 to quit.

I Am Lasagne


I Am Lasagne

Genre: Simulation, Puzzle Game Contribution: Solo Project. Designer and Developer. Engine: Unreal Engine 4.
